Employment Standards Administration Family and Medical Leave Act




CT Family and Medical Leave (CTFMLA) and CT Paid Leave (CTPL) are two dissever laws to help eligible workers who need to take leave from their job to care for a loved one or for their own medical reasons.  The CT Family and Medical Exit Human activity provides eligible employees with job-protected exit, and the CT Paid Get out Human activity provides eligible workers with income replacement.

Depending on the situation, one or both of these laws may apply. That ways that workers may file for both CT Family & Medical Leave and for CT Paid Leave—each law has its own application process and requirements.

The Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) oversees the CT Family & Medical Leave  law and complaints.

For CT Family and Medical Leave (to receive chore protection for a leave)

  • The employee must notify their employer of their need for go out and their employer will provide them with the notices and forms to fill out.
  • The employee must complete the forms and return to their employer.

Employees who believe their employer is non post-obit the CT Family and Medical Exit police force may file a
here .

The CT Paid Leave Authority takes applications for the CT Paid Get out programme. CTPL provides eligible workers with income replacement. CTDOL handles the appeals process for workers who are denied paid leave.

CTDOL also handles appeals for the CT Paid Get out program. Workers who have been denied paid go out may file an entreatment hither.

Connecticut Family & Medical Go out Human activity

Informational webinar and PowerPoint






Laws and Regulation



Use of these forms is optional. Employers may create their own forms; they must contain the information required by the regulations.

An eligible employee may take CTFMLA go out for any of the post-obit reasons:

  • Nascency of a child and care for the child inside the kickoff year afterwards birth;
  • The placement of a kid for adoption or foster care and intendance for the child;
  • Intendance for a family member with a serious health condition;
  • Considering of an employee'due south own serious health condition;
  • To serve as an organ or os marrow donor;
  • To address qualifying exigencies arising from a spouse, son, daughter or parent'southward active-duty service in the war machine; and
  • To intendance for a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin with a serious injury or illness incurred on agile duty in the military machine.

Once an employee notifies his or her employer that an absence is for a CTFMLA qualifying reason, the employer must timely notify the employee of his or her eligibility for CTFMLA go out, provide the employee with a notice of rights and responsibilities and brainstorm the approving process, which may include asking the employee to complete a medical certification form.

An employee is entitled to be reinstated to the employee's same position or, if the same position is no longer bachelor, to an equivalent position upon returning from CTFMLA leave.  An employee is not entitled to reinstatement if the employee has exhausted his or her CTFMLA go out entitlement, the employment relationship would have ended regardless of the employee's taking CTFMLA get out, or the employee obtains CT FMLA fraudulently.

Employers are prohibited from interfering with, or retaliating or discriminating confronting, an employee for requesting or taking CTFMLA leave.


Utilize of these forms is optional. Employers may create their own forms; they must contain the information required by the regulations.

  • Discover of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities
  • Designation Notice
  • Medical Certification for Employee'southward Serious Health Status
  • Medical Certification for Care of a Family Member's Serious Health Condition
  • Family Member Verification Grade
  • Medical Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Servicemember for Armed services Caregiver Leave
  • Certification for War machine Family Leave for Qualifying Exigency
  • Interpretive Guidance: Handling the Transition to the New Changes in the CTFMLA Police, Effective on January one, 2022, When an Employee Has an Already Approved CTFMLA Leave
  • Connecticut General Statutes Sections 31-51kk to 31-51qq
  • Current CTFMLA Regulations (constructive for alleged violations occurring prior to 12/31/21)
  • New CTFMLA Regulations (effective for alleged violations occurring on or after one/1/22- coming soon)

If you believe that your CT Family and Medical Exit rights have been violated, y'all tin can either file a complaint straight in Superior Court or with the Connecticut Section of Labor.

To file a CTFMLA complaint with the Connecticut Section of Labor, you should complete and submit the applicative complaint course below.

  • For alleged violations occurring on or prior to 12/31/21 use this course:
    CT Family & Medical Exit Complaint Form
  • For alleged violations occurring on or after 1/one/22 use the portal:
    CTFMLA Complaint Class

Attention to filers and respondents of CTFMLA complaints : If you add or remove an chaser or representative, please notify u.s.a. immediately at DOL.CTFMLA@ct.gov or (860) 263-6400 to ensure timely receipt of all communications, which may take time-sensitive deadlines.

If yous are unable to find the information you demand on this folio, y'all can contact the CTDOL Legal Division atDOL.CTFMLA@ct.gov.

The information set forth on, and linked through, this website is designed to provide a service to the employers and employees of this country.  It does not constitute legal advice.  Although the Department of Labor makes every endeavor to provide quality information, it makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.


Employees who have been denied compensation under the CT Paid Leave Insurance Program, or any person who has been assessed a penalization by the CT Paid Leave Say-so, may file an appeal with the Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) Appeals Division. You may simply file an appeal with CTDOL if you have already applied for CT Paid Go out benefits and received a final deprival determination.

The Leave Complaint and Appeals portal linked beneath is the fastest way to file an appeal, bank check the status of your entreatment, receive a decision from the Appeals Sectionalisation, and go information most your appeal.

If you do non have internet access or need help filing an appeal, please contact the CTDOL Appeals Division at 38 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109. Telephone: (860) 263-6970 Fax: (860) 706-5767


Helpful Links
  • What's the procedure for filing an Appeal with CT Paid Leave
  • How to File a CT Paid Go out Appeal
  • Filing a CT Paid Leave Entreatment on behalf of someone else
  • How Employers Reply to an Entreatment
Video Guide
  • How to file a CT Paid Exit Entreatment
  • Filing a CT Paid Exit Entreatment on behalf of someone else
  • Employers Response to an Appeal
CT Paid Leave Constabulary and Appeal Procedures
  • The Paid Family unit and Medical Leave Act Chapter 557 - Employment Regulation (ct.gov)
  • Paid Family unit and Medical Leave Insurance Entreatment Procedures – Proposed Regulations in Progress


CTDOL Leave complaints are filed below after January 15th. Prior to Jan 15th, file your complaint here.

Note: If you have been denied unemployment benefits, file an appeal here .  Exercise not use the Exit Complaint and Appeals portal as it could slow downwardly your unemployment appeal.

Clicking on this link will take you to a secure portal hosted by ct.gov.

  • File a new CT Paid Go out appeal
  • Admission an existing CT Paid Get out entreatment
  • File a New Family & Medical Leave Complaint (only for declared violations occurring on or afterwards one/1/22)
  • CTFMLA Complaint Class (only for declared violations occurring on or prior to 12/31/21)
  • Access an Existing CT Family unit & Medical Get out Complaint

F or your security:

  • Log out of the CTDOL go out and complaint and appeals portal, don't merely close the window.
  • Do not share your portal username or password with anyone.
  • Always login to the portal from this page or the log in page linked above.
  • Do not click on links you receive by email unless you are certain they are from CTDOL.
  • CTDOL volition never text y'all a link.

If you think your account has been compromised, contact the CTDOL Appeals Division at 38 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109.  Telephone: (860) 263-6970   Fax: (860) 706-5767.

Please note that the guidance higher up is not legal advice, it's meant to provide data to employees and employers most the CT Family unit and Medical Leave law.

CTDOL makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy or abyss of the data contained herein. If a complaint is filed in courtroom, that court may take a different interpretation.


Source: https://portal.ct.gov/DOLUI/newfmlaguidance

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